I like that vet a lot he got this disarming, self-deprecatin' way about him. Makes me feel good just like Doc Feelgood even tho my dawg may die in the process of the vitamin shots and the ten days of antibiotics he cant breef too good this terrible cough cant even hardly eat all skin and bones and wobbly and weak. Looks straight outta Treblinka, the poor thing.
You know how you hit it off with someone rightaway that's the vet. And also this guy in a munitions ship on Pier K at the Navy Base. We got to talking about music and agreed on everything. He's from Arkansaw. Said why am I still working my friends are all retired I'm not a worker I'm a hunter. Hunt for elk, venison, fish for red salmon. Couldn't wait to get back to the Ozarks. You bin to the Ozarks? I have. Drove a big truck all the way up the scenic route by mistake one Sunday in 1996. Some guy in a pick up truck talked to me on the c.b. sayin what are you doin up here you shoulda gone around on the straight and level. I said I dunno, I'm new. Ha. Somehow survived that and made it to Pine Bluff, parked the truck at a truck stop walked to stretch my legs past a Negro Pentecostal Church they was chanting the Gospel, big ol' wooden structure painted white, on stilts. I say Negro advisedly, cos I wanna be black. Don't you? I want one o' dem black girls wid the legs like Tina Turner.