viernes, 15 de febrero de 2019
Me paró la municipal
Eran las dos de la mañana. Regresando del gabacho, nomás rebasas Aduanas, está una calle oculta por la curvatura, del lado izquierdo, que conduce a la Colonia Federal. Con frecuencia está ahí a esas horas una patrulla de la municipal, por si acaso. Esta vez estaban dos. Me alcanzaron a la altura del CECUT y me marcaron el alto. Ya me pasé a la lateral y paré la marcha de mi viejo y confiable Ford Ranger 1997. Este pick-up está levantado de la suspensión y es bueno pa'andar en las aguas como las que han llovido últimamente. No me gusta que llueva porque luego tengo que subirme al techo a barrer l'agua. Y como NO soy agricultor, pues las sequías me valen madre. De hecho las celebro. A mí la lluvia no me acarrea más que problemas. Perdonen eso de "de hecho" que ya sé, es sólo una muleta lingüística, pero okey. Sigamos. O seguiré yo solito, porque nomás soy yo el que está aquí.
DONDE PUTASMADRES DEJÉ MI CABALLITO TEQUILERO?! creo que lo dejé sobre el librero. O tal vez en las racas de los cartuchos VHS... ya ves que a mí me gusta lo antiguo. Las circunstancias me jalan dentro del Siglo XXI a regañadientes y en reversa. No sé qué es la tal memoria USB y no quiero saberlo. Por dar un ejemplo.
Pues me pararon AMBAS patrullas. Y ya se acercaron dos chotas uno por un lado y otro por el otro, como suelen.
"Qué pasó?" dije.
"Licencia, por favor"
"Por qué, que hice mal? vengo bien"
"Vienes cansado? vas manejando mal"
"Si vas a decir que vengo tomado, te diré que yo NO tomo. No puedo tomar, porque soy diabético"
"Nunca dije que vinieras tomado, pero vienes manejando mal"
"Mal, cómo?!" aquí ya me estaba empezando a enchilar.
"De donde vienes?"
"Del jale. Manejo un taxi en San Diego"
"A dónde vas?" mira mi licencia con detenimiento.
"A mi casa. Allá por la Ermita"
"De qué parte del D.F. eres?"
"Nunca dije que era del D.F. Nací acá por la Calle Tercera, en el Sanatorio Balcázar", apuntando con el índice derecho hacia el Poniente con cara de enojo.
Este policía era treintañero, con penetrantes ojos oscuros, piel morena, esbelto, no mal parecido en cierta forma.. deste...gandalla, hijoputa. Digo, por la mirada torva que me empezó a dedicar nomás al darse cuenta que yo se las estaba devolviendo igual.
"Viene cansado, enfadado?" Aquí ya se pasó al 'usted'.
"Repito. Vengo del jale. Ha sido un día largo" Le miro directamente a los ojos con una mirada igualmente penetrante y llena de indignación, además.
El policía se empezó a poner truculento. Truculento significa "cruel", o "atroz". Bueno, no tanto así. Digamos que se empezó a pone altisonante. Alterado.
"Tome. Aqui esta su licencia, y váyase, que dios lo bendiga. Ya no quiero estar recibiendo sus malas vibras".
Con eso, se regresó a su patrulla. Era sinaloense y andaba bien crico, el cabrón. Y todavía tuvo la desfachatez de bendecirme, como si fuera el pinchi Papa... yo arranqué hacia el Oriente por la así llamada Vía Rapida Poniente, que ni es rápida, ni va hacia el Poniente. Creo que esos chotas estaban ahi parados cerca de La Línea a la caza de algún turista o emigrado despistado, que les resultara presa fácil para una extorsión.
Llegando a la casa me serví dos o cuatro tequilas, para borrarme el feo sabor de boca. Ahora creo que me voy a liar un frajo de tabaco en greña.
Una vez levanté en mi taxi a dos muchachos canadienses de un hotel en San Ysidro y los llevé al centro de San Diego. Me contaron que ese mismo día habían cruzado la frontera en su auto alquilado, y que en el primer semáforo de Tijuana los pararon unos policías, quienes los amenazaron con arrestarlos, y a los cuales les tuvieron que dar doscientos dólares para que los dejaran ir. Que se dieron la vuelta y se regresaron a Estados Unidos. Dijeron que nunca regresarían a México.
viernes, 1 de febrero de 2019
The Crank
I'm a cranky old guy, no doubt. My crankiness has alienated some of my closest friends, like who wants to be ridiculed and belittled alla time? Not him, not her. My tío Juan was cranky I recall. My dad wasn't. He was a happy, well-adjusted man probably got to suck at his mother's tit to his heart's content when he were a tiny tot. But oh no not I, I didn't. The woman who gave birth to me abandoned me in another country and went away. I've since made that country my home to the point I wouldn't want to be a fucking immigrant in anybody else's fucking nightmare, right.
October 1993 found my dad and I driving through San Antonio Texas in his gold-colored 1985 Mercury Cougar. My dad had two and a half years left to live and we were visiting San Pedro Park, the barrio where he grew up. He and his brothers used to collect empty soda bottles to redeem them and they would hand over the 25 cents thus earned to their mother, who would take it to the local panadería for to buy a big bag of day-old bread with which to feed the family. Hard times during The Depression. Are you depressed yet?
That October day it was hot and humid in San Antonio as we were driving around looking for a motel and I must have been complaining endlessly of the heat and the humidity, because my dad exclaimed JESUS MIGUEL YOU SOUND JUST LIKE MY WIFE!
We found a motel contiguous to a golfing range you know where you get a bucket of golf-balls and rent a number seven iron and a number two driver, and whack balls into the distance? They got like yard markers 100 yards 150 yards, etc. not my cuppa tea, but my dad usedta love that shit, so he got a room, and handed me the keys to the Cougar and bid me a good trip 90 miles up the road to Austin, which I was eager to visit. The Rock and Blues clubs and that. Stomping grounds of Stevie Ray Vaughan and whomever. Lou-Ann Barton.
I remember commenting maybe I'll grow into a cranky old guy like my tío Juan. My dad riposted you already are like that, Miguel.
But I only mention all of this as an aside and introduction to what burns in my chest today although the intro has taken on a life of its own and grown like a cancer. I want to bitch about something I got no real right to bitch about and should keep my mouth shut about because I've made my bed and got nowhere else to go.
October 1993 found my dad and I driving through San Antonio Texas in his gold-colored 1985 Mercury Cougar. My dad had two and a half years left to live and we were visiting San Pedro Park, the barrio where he grew up. He and his brothers used to collect empty soda bottles to redeem them and they would hand over the 25 cents thus earned to their mother, who would take it to the local panadería for to buy a big bag of day-old bread with which to feed the family. Hard times during The Depression. Are you depressed yet?
That October day it was hot and humid in San Antonio as we were driving around looking for a motel and I must have been complaining endlessly of the heat and the humidity, because my dad exclaimed JESUS MIGUEL YOU SOUND JUST LIKE MY WIFE!
We found a motel contiguous to a golfing range you know where you get a bucket of golf-balls and rent a number seven iron and a number two driver, and whack balls into the distance? They got like yard markers 100 yards 150 yards, etc. not my cuppa tea, but my dad usedta love that shit, so he got a room, and handed me the keys to the Cougar and bid me a good trip 90 miles up the road to Austin, which I was eager to visit. The Rock and Blues clubs and that. Stomping grounds of Stevie Ray Vaughan and whomever. Lou-Ann Barton.
I remember commenting maybe I'll grow into a cranky old guy like my tío Juan. My dad riposted you already are like that, Miguel.
But I only mention all of this as an aside and introduction to what burns in my chest today although the intro has taken on a life of its own and grown like a cancer. I want to bitch about something I got no real right to bitch about and should keep my mouth shut about because I've made my bed and got nowhere else to go.
Here's a 1985 Mercury Cougar.
There. That's all I really wanted to say. Have a nice day.
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